


Photos and Videos
Our Story




March 18, 2009  Hello again!  I know that it's been a while since the last update, but I just haven't done it!!  From now on, ALL of the updates will be posted here, and will no longer be put under each  individual child!!  This way will be much easier and less time consuming!!  Here we go... Mallory is thriving in school and is so much fun!!  She is always helping around the house and with the kids.  She is questioning everything and is finding her boundaries.  Her love of reading increases daily and she enjoys "reading" to anyone who will listen. Emily is walking both assisted and unassisted.  She loves doing things all by herself and gets very frustrated when she is unsuccessful, but we help her to do the activity again. She is still in both occupational and physical therapies and excelling at both.  Her vocabulary has exploded and she is a little recorder.  Whatever she hears, go into her ears and out of her mouth.  She spends some time on the time-out wall for hitting.  She is amazing.  Owen is a little spitfire.  He is into biting when he gets angry (any advice on stopping this behavior is welcome) and is becoming (very good) friends with time-out!  He doesn't eat enough to keep a bird alive, but is growing and thriving very well.  Jesse is all boy!  Whatever he can climb in or on, he's doing it.  He like the athletic and sports related activities.  He talks a million miles an hour and keeps repeating himself until we acknowledge what he's said.  He is very affectionate with everyone and loves giving hugs.  He also finds himself in time-out for spitting, which he does frequently.  He loves to be the clown and make funny faces and noises to make everyone laugh.  He graduated to a big boy bed on the 14th and just loves it.  We haven't had any problems with him crawling out.  He has adjusted very well!  Ruth acts like she's three and tells everyone that's how old she is.  She needs to be mentally challenged to avoid being bored.  She gets into trouble  when boredom begins to set in.  She still has some sharing issues, unless the sharing is on her own terms!!  She is beginning to hit when she gets angry, so again.. time-out!   She loves being Mallory's little shadow.  Helen has graduated from occupational therapy and is now only getting close to graduating from physical therapy!!  She has made such great accomplishments.  She never crawls anymore...only walking for this kiddo.  She still has her feeding tube (in her stomach) and is now drinking from a cup 20% of the time.  We are trying to make that 100%!  Things are moving slow, but progress is being made.  She loves playing with her siblings and can definitely  hold her own in confrontation!  Her talks all the time and loves Dora!  

September 20  We had our 2 year photo shoot at Loose Park today in Kansas City.  they weren't very happy, so I'm not sure how well the photos turned out.  We should be getting a sneak peak pretty soon on our photographer's website, as soon as we get it, we will put the link here.

July 12  Well, things have been a bit crazy and very manageable!  Helen got her trach out on the 4 and is doing great!  Emily got her first haircut.  Owen, Jesse and Ruth are now totally of  the bottle!!   Everyone does get a cup about 45 minutes prior to bedtime, but Emily will sometimes get a bottle instead of her cup.  Things are going great and we thank you all for your continued support and patience for this website and the long stretches that sometimes occur between updates.

June 10  Things have been busy and tons of fun!!  The kids are getting so big and are really coming into their personalities.  Take a peek inside to see what's been happening...

April 21  I have great news--although David is way behind in posting pictures, October's are now available on the shutterfly link!! Here is a link to our photographer's web site.  She has some sneak peak pictures of our latest photo session.   Hooray!!  Mallory has turned 3 and is really testing her boundaries!!  I hope all of us make it through to her next birthday!!  Emily is crawling like a champ and loves to walk with her push toys.  Owen is running all around the house and is full of smiles.  Jesse is walking most of the time now, although he is still unsteady.  Ruth is always talking and is in the middle of everyone's activity!  Helen has had 3 hospitalizations since March 17 and is now better.  She is crawling all over the place and cries when she is in her crib.  She is happiest when she is playing with all the other kiddos!  I will update the individual sections this week.  I just wanted you all to know what was happening! 

April 13  We had Mallory's 3 year  and the kids 18 month pictures taken today! 

March 12  Hello everyone.. I apologize for the delay in updating information, but (again) things have been hectic and lots of fun!!  Okay, a quick snippit of the goings on in our home.. Helen is beginning to crawl.. Ruth is walking.. Emily is fiddling around with some walking.. Owen is running.. Jesse is taking steps and Mallory is getting ready to turn 3!  David and I are actively hanging out with the kids and are amazed with them every day!!

January 24  Well, things have certainly calmed down around here!  All of our kiddos are all in one place again.... home!  The RSV is on its way out, and hopefully for good!  We are back to crazy and loving it!  Owen is still our only "true" walker, but is being followed closely by Ruth.. Jesse is just beginning to stand and cruise!  Emily is getting stronger with her crawling and pulling up.  Mallory is loving her brothers and sisters, but is holding her own being the big sister.  She is turning into a great "mommy's helper"!  

January 12  Well, things have definitely been busy.  Since the beginning of the year, we've had 4 kids in the hospital with RSV--some are still there!!  I certainly hope that this is the last year for RSV--all the comings and goings are tiring!!  I'm blessed that the hospital staff love our kids as much as we do--I know that they're well taken care of when we're not there.  Thanks to all of our family and friends who continually help out both in crisis and non-crisis mode.

December 26  Well, the holidays are over and things are beginning to get back to normal.  The family is back together again as Helen made it home today from her surgery.  The house is bustling with happy toddlers and bit sister.  They are loving their new toys and can't wait to get into everything.  Sharing is becoming a small problem as they all want the same thing at the same time!!  I guess they'll just have to work it out!    

December 22  Happy Holidays to all of you!  I can't believe how the year has flown by.  So many things have happened and many milestones met.  I have really enjoyed sharing our happenings with all of you.  Please gaze inside to find out who's walking, who's getting close, who has vacationed in the hospital and the many other things going on.....

November 8  Hello to all.  I know that it's been a little while, but here I am with some updates!  We had the first birthday and party..it all went really well!  The kiddos were hilarious and messy while eating their cakes.  You could just tell that they were having fun.  The babies are no longer content to just stay in one place and play.  They want to be busy all of the time and crawl over the tops of their siblings.  Watching them interact and fight over toys brings me (sometimes) to laughter.  Their little personalities are really beginning to grow and change a bit.  Ruth and Emily's are changing a little bit, I think!  We are getting ready for surgeries with Helen and  have been battling colds and never ending ear infections!  Thank you David for finally getting Mallory's page up.  Now all is complete!  More pictures are being added on a (slow) continual basis, so please continue to check out the shutterfly link in the photos and videos tab.  We are still loving the adventure that is our life and enjoy sharing it with all of you.  

October 3  I can't believe that my little babies will be year old in a week--7 days.  Where has all of the time gone?  My babies have grown from tiny and helpless babies to motoring, busy, chatty toddlers!  I guess that this day was bound to come, I'm just not ready!  Oh well.  On a happy note, Mallory is loving her "school" (daycare).  She likes her teachers and new friends.  She did have to push her limits the first day to see just how far she could go.  She found out that  she couldn't go as far as she thought!!  I want to thank all of you so much for going on our journey with us.  I really hope that you continue to do so. 

September 28  Well, my Mallory will be starting school/daycare on the 1st of October.   She amazes me everyday--learning new words and phrases.  I know that she will just love her new environment.  She will be going to school (as we call it) three days a week.  I will miss her so, but know that this is the best for her and me!!  She needs to be around kids her own age and have those daily interactions.  She also needs to realize that there is life outside of ME!!  We will hopefully have "Mallory" page sometime soon.  David has purchased new hardware for this purpose, so it will be happening!  Thanks so much for continuing to visit the site and taking a continued interest in the family!

September 25  Great news--new pictures are up on shutterfly...please click on photos and videos for the link!!  The pictures date back to January, February and March 2007, but we're slowly making progress!  Things have been crazy--hospitalizations, surgeries, mobile kids.  Everyone has teeth and is motoring around.  

July 27 Where have the last 9 months gone?  The kids have grown and learned so much!  Some are crawling, rolling, pulling up and getting teeth.  We have started table foods and will start trying tippy cups.  I have forgotten how messy the feeding themselves can be--lets multiply that by 5!!  My daily work will never be done.  my life is all about the kids and I love that!  Hopefully, we will have new pictures up soon..David is working hard on them.   

June 25  The kids have made the cover of Kansas City Baby magazine, a free publication here in town.  They sure are cute and look so big and grown up.  The web site (to see the cover picture) is www.kcparent.com  We wrote a story for the magazine, but unfortunately, you cannot read it from the website.     

June 1 Well, the kiddos (Owen, Ruth and Jesse) are rolling both ways--we're in trouble now.

May 29  Hello all...things have been ultra busy around our house, so I apologize for the delay!  During the  last month and a half, we have been battling RSV which is a  very contagious respiratory virus.  Emily, Jesse, Ruth and Helen all spent time in the hospital for the virus.  We have been running to two different hospitals visiting the kiddos and still attending to Owen and Mallory while trying to manage the house!  Thank goodness that we are on the healing end of RSV.  The babies have grown and been learning how to maneuver around the house.  They are discovering a lot about themselves....peek inside to find out what's been happening....

April 9 Well, my kiddos are home and now my family is complete and together!!  This day has been anticipated for a long time.  We are so very blessed and thankful for everything that has come our way.  We would like to thank all of you for all of the prayers and support.  Please keep following the progress of our family.  We enjoy sharing our lives and appreciate all of your patience in the updates. 

March 26 Thank you all for you patience in the long delay since the last update!!  I will do my best to update more regularly!  I will stop saying "tomorrow"  and will start saying "today."  Anyway, I apologize!  This has been a month of firsts.  Some kids are rolling over and others are teething.  We are getting closer to having Helen join our household!  Mallory is getting ready to turn 2 on the 31st of March.  She is getting so big.  She loves her babies and is always wanting to hug and kiss them.  She is such a big help and a little mommy.   We are getting ready to move into our new house and are busy with packing and taking care of the kiddos.  Things are very busy and we are loving it!  The kids are sleeping about 5 to 6 hours a night and we are very happy about that!!   

March 19 2007 We have some new pictures for you finally.  We are doing it a little bit differently now.  Go to the Photos and Videos section to check out the new pictures.  We will give you some updates for the kids tomorrow.  Thanks for you patience.

February 17 Four home, one to go!!  Emily joined our crew this week.  Having 5 kiddos home, four of which are infants, presents some unique opportunities and challenges.  The babies tend to be very demanding (sometimes all at once and other times one  at a time) and that tends to take away from time with Mallory.  Although, Mallory loves her babies, she still wants some individual time with mommy and daddy.  We do the best we can, and I think that we do a good job!  Mallory is able to tell the babies apart by sight and is very accurate when she calls them by name.  She has become my little helper.  She helps feed and is always on pacifier patrol!  If she finds a pacifier, it needs to be in any  babies mouth.  She is the best big sister and loves those babies with all of her heart!!  Sleep is a precious commodity that rarely exists in our house!!  Hopefully, we will get this back some day!!

February 8  Three home, two to go!!  This week, we added Jesse to our mix of kiddos here at home.  We thought 2 infants were rough, three is a bit rougher.  We sleep less and are feeding and changing diapers more often!!  Oh well, at least we have things to laugh about on a daily basis--mostly ourselves!!  

February 3  I would like to apologize for the delay since that last update.  Things have just been very busy and chaotic.  I really appreciate your patience and will work harder at keeping the site updated weekly.  I also want to let you know that Mallory is adjusting very well to having her babies home.  She can tell who's crying, even before she sees them.  She is very attentive to them and loves to give them pacifiers.  She likes to help feed and console them by saying, "its okay baby, don't cry".  She is so very sweet with them.  She gives kisses every night and likes to hold them for very short periods. 

January 16 We have had an eventful 2 days.  We are both are very tired caring for the 2 babies.  We can't imagine what it is going to be like with 3 more.  We would like to thank everyone for their help so far, it has meant a lot.  We had Fox4 come over today and film us for the entire day.  They are going to air a story in the next couple of weeks about the day in the life of us with 2 babies home.  They followed us around to appointments and visiting the kids in the NICU and dropping Mallory off at the sitter's house.  They filmed the diaper changes, feeding, and baths.  We don't know the exact time it will air here in Kansas City, but once we know we will let you know.  Then today was busy when we found out all in one day that Ruth had to be admitted to the hospital, and Emily was transferred to another hospital in preparation for her surgery for her shunt.  It has been a busy day.

January 13  Well, we went ahead and bought the van.  I call it the Aircraft Carrier.  It is a Chevrolet Express 3500 15 passenger van.  Needless to say it is huge.  We are still getting used to driving it.  It definitely limits the parking spots, but it will suit are needs very well.  It has 4 rows of seats, so we will put car seats in the first 3 rows, and take out the last one for storage.  Maybe someday we can afford to get a DVD system installed in it to entertain the kids when they get older.

January 8  David test drove a huge passenger van today.  It was a 15 passenger Chevrolet Express Van.  It has 4 rows of seats, and I felt like I needed a walkie talkie if I wanted to talk to anyone in the back.  It wasn't the most exciting vehicle in the world, but it is practical, and will be able to accommodate the entire family all at once.  We haven't made a decision yet on it, but it seems the best option.

January 7  It has been a stressful few weeks.  Everyone seems to have had some downturns lately.  Added in the stress of realizing that we need a bigger vehicle, and need a bigger house, and wondering how we are going to take care of 5 babies has made it a stressful time.  Mallory is still enjoying Owen.  Just a few days ago she brought her baby doll out of her room wrapped up in a blanked just like Owen.  Also, one time when Owen was in his bouncie chair, Mallory picked up a burp cloth and went over to Owen and started dabbing his lips like she was wiping his mouth.  It was very sweet.

December 28  We hope that everyone had a wonderful holiday and we wish for a great 2007!!  Mallory is adjusting to her new baby, Owen.  She likes to help pat him, get diapers and hold him.  She is starting to demand more attention, especially from mom, when Kate is working with Owen.  She is still trying to figure things out.  At least she doesn't ask us to take him away!!     

December 10  Today is Brooks Family Day in Fairway by decree of the mayor.  In other news, Mallory went with us to the hospital and touched Helen.  This was the first time she's touched any of the babies.  We tried to have her hold Ruth, but she was very shy, and wouldn't have anything to do with it.  She certainly loved to look at all of them.  Mallory has been testing her parents good humors today!!  She decided to escape (for the first time) the confines of her crib during her naptime.  I suppose that she is growing up and wanting a big girl bed, which she now has in her room.  Let's just hope she uses it!  We'll keep you updated as to how this goes. 

December 8  This past week and a half has been filled with joyous and momentous occasions.  Each child has made great accomplishments.  All of the kids are due to have their 2 month immunizations over the nest couple days.  Where has the time gone?  Kate gave her first baths to Emily and Helen.  Kate spends her days and David spends his evenings at the hospital feeding, diapering and holding the kids.  We're getting a feel for how it will be when they come home, Mallory is the only kid missing!!  We should have Mallory's page up in the next week--please continue to be patient.  Mallory is really getting excited about her babies.  She wants to see them on the computer daily.  She is also starting to recognize them and tries to say their names.         

November 16 This week we were acknowledged at the Fairway city council meeting.  The mayor presented us with a proclamation that stated "December 10, 2006 is Brooks Family Day in Fairway"  (the reason 12/10 was chosen is because the kids will be 2 months old).  He also gave us a bag of diapers and a gift certificate for Mallory.  He also honored us for greatly increasing the population of Fairway!! The kids are doing well and Mallory really enjoys looking at their pictures and saying "baby" while laughing and smiling.  I think she is getting more used to the idea!!  -

November 9  Today was an exciting day for our growing family.  The five newest members, Emily, Owen, Jesse, Ruth and Helen were all Baptized today.  They of course, just chilled out in their beds as if nothing special was happening.  They all flinched a bit when when Father dribbled the water on their heads.  Please continue to keep them in your prayers.  Mallory is also doing quite well.  She is getting better at acknowledging her new siblings.  She doesn't say, "baby no" as much as she first did.  She will actually say all of their names when we look at pictures.  She is being so much fun and we are enjoying her as much as we can before the rest of the kids come home!!

October 29  It has been a tough past couple of days.  Ruth was transferred to another hospital for some surgery, so we had to visit two different hospitals, which was very exhausting.  A lot of the kids seem to be having 1 step back days, which we knew would happen.  The doctors tell us though as long as there are more 2 steps forward than one step back in the long run, that is what is important.  A lot of people have been asking about our daughter Mallory.  We are working on getting a big sister Mallory page on the website, but for now, here are a couple of  pictures of her at a local trick or treat event that Fairway held at the city park tonight.

Kate and Mallory the ladybug

David and Mallory the ladybug


October 25 Ruth and Helen's web pages are up now with updates and pictures.

October 24  Helen had surgery today to close off her PDA (PATENT DUCTUS ARTERIOSUSThis is a small vessel in the heart that normally closes in children right after birth.  All of our children had their PDA stay open.  All but Helen's closed with drug treatment.  The doctors performed surgery today, and everything went well.  We now have Jesse's page up with information and pictures.  Please visit his page on the link bar to the left.  Also, please check the other kid's pages for new updates too.  We will have Ruth and Helen's page up soon.

October 22  We have some updates on the kids.  Each one will have their own page within the web site.  We have Emily and Owen's page up now, so click on the link to check out information on them.  We will have the other babies up hopefully on Monday.  Thanks again for your patience.

October 18  Sorry that we haven't had any updates, but as you can understand we have been a little bit busy.  Wanted to give everyone a quick update.  Everyone is progressing ok so far.  Owen and Ruth have started feeding, which we are very excited about.  We promise we will get some new pictures up by tomorrow or the next day.  I know a lot of people have been asking for updates and pictures, thanks for your patience.

October 9  We are now at Week 28.  Kate is sore and tired all the time now, but she is hanging in there very well.  Channel 4 came to the hospital today and did another interview with Kate.  They are going to air it on the 5PM newscast on October 10.  For those not in Kansas City or those who miss it, I will put it on the web site after it airs.

Kate at 28 Weeks

October 1 We are now at week 27, and all is well.  David's sister Amy was in town over the weekend and she and her two daughters got to visit Kate at the hospital.

Kate with Rose(in back), Emma(with balloon) and holding Mallory.

Kate at 27 weeks.

September 27 Kate had another Level 2 sonogram today, which is where they measure the babies.  Everyone is doing well, and their weights range from 1 pound 13 oz to 2 pounds 3 oz.  Everyone is doing very well so far.  Kate has received permission to walk to the kitchenette down the hallway twice a day.  It is only a 30 foot walk, but it means a lot to her.

September 24 Week 26 has arrived, and everyone is doing well.

September 19 Kate had another sonogram, and everything is well.  It is getting harder to get good shots of the babies though, because they are getting big enough to block each other out.  The doctors can see enough though to tell that they are doing great.

September 17 We now are at 25 weeks, and everything is going well.  David is on Day 4 of mom duty, and no catastrophes so far, although Mallory is probably already tired of chicken nuggets.  Kate is doing great, but she misses home.  David and Mallory try to visit once a day on the weekdays, and twice a day on the weekends.  It is tough on Kate to see them leave, but she knows that she is doing best for the babies by being at the hospital.  Check out the photos page for the story Channel 4 aired on the day we checked in.

Kate and Mallory with niece Lindsay

Mallory playing with glove balloon

September 14 Kate has been admitted to the hospital now.  The check in went well, and we had a lot of visitors from the hospital staff.  I guess we are already pretty well known there.  Mallory and David visited Kate this evening, and she already misses us, but she is doing well.  Here are a couple of pictures of Kate's first day in the hospital.

Kate, and nurses Christina and Satina going over admit forms

Kate checking her email

Channel 4 cameraman lining up a shot

September 12 Kate's admit date has been moved back a day.

September 10 We are now at 24 weeks. This is the week Kate checks into the hospital, and David becomes Mr. Mom with Mallory.  Cooking tips are appreciated!

September 6 We had our appointment with Dr. Wickstrom today, and everything is going well.  All of the babies are 1 pound 5 ounces to 1 pound 8 ounces, and about 12 inches long.  Kate's admit date to the hospital is next week, and she will be there for the duration.

September 3 We now are at 23 weeks.  Kate is sore and tired, but she is doing wonderfully.

August 27 We have made it to 22 weeks!  Everyone is doing great.

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