

Photos and Videos
Our Story


Here is our daughter Emily Jayne.  She was born at 7:49PM on Tuesday October 10.  She weighed 2 lb 7 oz.  The doctors told us early on that the scans indicated that she did have a brain bleed, but they do not know how that will affect her in the future, only time will tell.  Early on she was on a ventilator, which limited our interaction with her

September 25 Emily is continuing to talk more and more, we are so proud of her.  She got a great report from her developmental pediatrician, he said that she is doing great, and doesn't need to come back and see him anymore.  That is very good news.

September 17 Emily had her first dental appointment today.  She wasn't quite sure of the whole thing, and didn't like it at all.  She checked out ok.  She has a small chip on her front tooth, but the dentist said that it is no big deal.

August 23  Emily was in the middle of the floor and just stood up all by herself!!  What a rock star...  Keep up the great work.

August 21  Emily has taken her first steps!!!  Way to go, kiddo.

July 12  Emily is amazing!!  She has started her speech therapy and is taking to making her words very well.  She is making great progress in her other therapies as well.  She recently has gotten some botox injections (to make her muscles easier to retrain) and is doing great.  She is walking better, although not independently.  She is able to use her right hand more and is just doing better all the way around.  She got her first haircut the other day and she just looks adorable!  She is kissing bandit.. if you're not careful, she comes up and just kisses the heck out of ya.  What a great kid!

June 10  Emily has been a bit cranky these last few days.. her molars are hurting her pretty bad.  I hope they come through soon, for both our sakes!!  She is one amazing little girl.  She isn't  an independent walker yet, but she's an expert at cruising the the furniture and walking with the push toys.  She is still getting physical and occupational therapies weekly and is coming along wonderfully.  She uses a sippy cup during the day (and does well) but still gets a bottle at bed time.  She is tipping the scales around 22 pounds and just keeps on growing.  She is a beautiful toddler whom we love dearly.        

January 15 Emily came home from the hospital today!!  She's doing better.

January 8  Emily was admitted to the hospital today with RSV!

November 18 Our little girl is catching up to her siblings rather quickly!  She is trying her hardest to pull herself up onto things, but her right arm is still dealing her a difficult time.  She is able to pull up onto low things, but is determined to get to the higher things as well.  We have her in both physical and occupational therapies to work on her right sided strength and she is doing very well.  She is beginning to babble and can say ball.  She grins after she "talks" and is so very proud if herself--we are too!  We are working on some signs with her and she catches on quickly.  She is beginning to do some army crawling with an occasional hands and knees crawl.  She's our girl!   

October 3 Emily has tooth #3--the bottom left eye tooth!  She is getting such a toothy grin.  She is ever so darling.  She is starting to get up on her hands and knees--she likes to rock back and forth!  She is so proud of all her accomplishments!!  

September 21  Emily has had a rough go of things this past month or so!  She started getting sick with what we thought was some dehydration or the flu, but were taken by incredible surprise to find out that her shunt was in failure!  The doctors confirmed the failure by getting a CAT scan and then she was whisked away to another hospital for emergency surgery for repair.  What a frightening time that was when we realized that we could have lost her...thank you to her wonderful staff that pulled her through!!  She recovered very quickly and is now doing GREAT!!  She is scootering all over the place and also has 2 bottom teeth!  She loves to chew on mommy's fingers..and it hurts!  She is an amazing little girl who captures your heart and holds onto it for life.  She really has us wrapped around her little finger.  She continues to be a good eater and is just growing up way too fast!  

July 26 Emily is getting so big...9 months old and weighing 15lbs 13oz!!  She continues to learn how to maneuver in circles while grabbing toys to eat!!  She is starting to eat some table foods...cheerios, crackers, but loves her level 2 and 3 jar foods...our great eater!!!  She has recently found her voice and exercises it daily!!  She always has something to say.  We are enjoying her so much..the time is slipping away as she is growing up so fast!

June 25 Emily is our best eater.  She eats whatever we give her and does so happily!  She rolled from her belly to her back today...her first time!  She is on her way! 

June 1 Emily is also released from her eye doctor.  The eyes just keep getting better!  Emily found out today that she really likes to eat carrots!  She is slowly adding more food to her repertoire!  Good job, Emily  

May 29 Emily has learned so much in the last month or so.  She is grabbing at toys and loves to hear herself chatter and coo.  She is sticking her tongue out and makes all kinds of raspberry noises.  She also loves to blow bubbles out of her mouth.  She is teething and has a great disposition with it.  Hopefully, her teeth will come through soon.  She is smiling up a storm and is beginning to propel herself forward with her feet.  She loves to be on the floor playing with her siblings and looking in the mirror and trying to figure out who the other baby is!!  She is well over 12lbs, but we do not have a actual weight.

April 9  Nothing new is going on with Emily.  We will know more after her 6 month check up and will update accordingly.

March 28 Emily's current weight is 11lbs 7oz and she is 23 inches long!!  My little one is getting big!

March 20 Since it has been a long time since the last update, I will encompass the highlights of the last month...Emily had to her shunt revised in mid February because it wasn't working efficiently.  She spent 24 hours in the hospital and is now doing very well and having no problems.  We have been notified that she is having some seizure activity, but it is being controlled with proper medication.  She is full of smiles which light up the room.  She is rolling over from her belly to her back and can't yet figure out how to return to her starting position!!  She enjoys having toys dangled in front of her so she can see them.  She is not yet grabbing at them, but this will be coming soon!  She changes daily and is such a tremendous joy.  She is our little one who likes her sleep.  She really enjoys her bath time and eating.  She is up to 10lbs 15oz.  I wonder where all the time has gone...these 5 months have flown by.       

February 17 Emily is in her adjustment period as are we.  She is supposed to eat at least 3oz every 4 hours, but she isn't doing that yet!!  Instead, she likes to eat 2 ounces whenever she wants!!  We just need to work out a few kinks!!  She hopefully likes to be home and we love having her here!!  She tends to sleep on her own schedule and is at least overlaps the other kids some!! 

February 16 Emily came home today!!

February 3  Emily did end up having the shunt placed in her head and has handled the operation well.  Her head had to be shaved and she is totally hairless on the top and sides, but still has hair on the back of her head!!  She still looks awfully cute!  She is able to eat as much as she wants and does so about every 4 hours.  Her average intake is about 70ml (just over 2oz).  She is tipping the scales at 8lbs 12oz.  We are hoping to have her home in the next week or so.  We are excited to be bringing another one home.  

January 17  The surgery went well and Emily is doing great!  She did need to be on the ventilator for a short time, but is back to breathing on her own.   The need for a shunt long term is probable, but she will be evaluated for this.   Emily is eating well and continues to put on the weight.  She looks so very healthy!! 

January 16  Emily was moved to another hospital today.  She is scheduled to have an operation tomorrow to put an external drain in her head to relieve the pressure and excess fluid.  Her doctors decided this was the best course of action for her.  As always we ask for extra prayers for her.

January 12 Emily passed the 8 pound mark today!  Hard to believe just 3 months ago she was so small.  She is doing well, and is on room air full time.  The doctors will determine next week if she needs to have a shunt put in.

January 5  Emily has had quite an eventful week!  She has gone from being in a crib on nasal cannula to being intubated and in an isolet back to being in a crib on nasal cannula! She had  a spinal tap on Tuesday and we found out that her infection is getting much better!!  She is loving her food and is topping the scales at 7lbs 6oz!!  She is definitely the leader of the weight pack...

December 28  Emily is doing well.  Her spinal fluid is still infected, but her levels are decreasing!!  She has also been upgraded to oral antibiotics--no more IV's for her at this point!!  She took to her bottle feedings so well, that she is taking all of her feedings this way.  She is eating 60ml every 3 hours and is our biggest  l weighing 6lbs 15oz.  She has a flirty look about her.  She'll keep us on our toes as she gets older.

December 8  Emily is doing well, although she still has her infection. She is still getting daily antibiotics and being followed by blood work and ultrasounds.  They are also doing occasional spinal taps to test her spinal fluid for the infection.  She is again in her crib and is on nasal cannula.  She has started to have some bottle feedings and is taking to those rather well.  She is eating 45ml every 3 hours.  She is beginning to have longer periods of alertness and just enjoys looking all around, especially at whomever is holding her.  She is getting some chubby cheeks and weighs 5lbs 2oz.  Kate bathed her for the first time on Dec 7th. 

November 27 Thanksgiving turned into a very critical day for our little Emily.  She moved from her crib back to the isolet and also from nasal cannula back to a ventilator.  Her shunt had stopped working and the doctors found out that she has an infection in her brain fluid.   Her antibiotics seem to be working and must run their course to cure the infection.  Things aren't critical, but we're not out of the woods yet!!  She will be monitored by head ultrasounds and blood work.  She is getting stronger and weighs 4lbs 10oz.      

November 16   Emily has decided that she no longer wants to have her IV, so she decided to remove it!!  Her shunt is continuing to work well and her head circumference is staying within normal limits.  Her feedings have increased to 29ml every 3 hours and as you can see, she is enjoying every drop.  Her weight is now 4lbs 2oz.  She is more alert and awake and loves to flail around in her isolet.  She is also on nasal cannula and hates to have the prongs in her nose--she loves to pull them out!!

November 9 Emily's surgery went very well on Wednesday, and the doctors are very please at how she has responded.  They had to shave a part of her head for the procedure, and they saved her hair for us to put in her scrapbook for her "first haircut"!  She weighs 3lb 12oz. 

November 7    Emily is eating 24ml every 3 hours.  She weighs in at 3lbs 9oz.  She is having surgery tomorrow to have a shunt put in her head to drain away the fluid that is collecting there.  We ask for your continued prayers.  She is really a cutie  and is doing really well. 

October 28 2006 Emily is 2lb 11 oz today.  She was up to 9ml of milk every 3 hours, but they had to stop that for a while because her stomach wasn't digesting it very well.  The doctors are monitoring it, and they will start the feeding again as soon as her digestion gets better.

October 24 2006 Emily weighs 2lb 10 oz today.  She is now eating 3ml of milk every 3 hours.

October 21 2006  She is 2 lb 12 oz today, and doing well.  Kate got to hold her for about an hour, which of course was very rewarding.

Emily at 8 days

Emily's foot at 8 days

Emily at 15 days with Kate

Emily at 15 days

Emily at almost 1 month

Emily being baptized

Emily (11/13/06)

Emily (11/19/06)

Emily (11/21/06)

Emily (11/22/06)

Left to right Jesse, Owen and Emily

David and Emily (12/09/06)


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This site was last updated 09/25/08