

Photos and Videos
Our Story


Here is our son Owen David.  He was born at 7:49PM Tuesday October 10.  He weighed 2lb 2oz at birth.  We are calling him our little fighter.  He was the smallest of the kids.  He was at the bottom of the uterus, but was the second one delivered.  He is doing very well. 

September 25 Owen had his first dentist appointment today, and he did great.  He sat in the chair all by himself, and let the dentist check out his teeth and brush them without any fuss whatsoever.

July 12  Owen is still our happy kid, although he does throw a fantastic tantrum when he doesn't get his way or is corrected in any way!!  We still love him and he is so much fun!  He like to be outside running around and doesn't want to be cooped up at all.  He is still our lightest kiddo as he weighs 21lbs and is 31in long.  I still don't think the girls are going to fine it too funny that their brother is just gonna be a skinny kid!!  He is into everything and laughs at everything.  He currently is the biter and pusher of the group!!  I'm hoping that this behavior is finished with very soon!  He loves to talk and repeats everything that you say.  It's time for mommy and daddy to once again be ultra careful about words that come sneaking out of the mouth!!

January 15  Owen came home from the hospital today and is doing better!!

January 12  Owen was admitted to the hospital today with RSV!

December 19  Owen has started walking!!  We really need to watch out now...

November 18 Owen is beginning to stand on his own and is flirting with taking some steps.  I think he has actually taken 4 steps on his own!  Once he gets that trick perfected, we'll never be able to keep him down!  He has been battling lots of ear infections, and will hopefully be getting tubes soon.  He is always smiling while being sly about taking toys away from his siblings, little sneak!  He is doing some talking and babbling.. his favorite word is dada!  When  I look at him and say mama, he just laughs and says dada.     

September 21 Owen is a great kid who is having a very difficult time with teething!  He usually has the best disposition, but has become rather cranky and clingy.  I sure hope that his teeth come in very soon!  He already has 4, 2 up and 2 down and he's drooling all of the time.  He has learned to crawl and is in constant motion although he occasionally will stop to play with toys and his siblings!  He is getting braver when it comes to "cruising" the furniture, as he will let go sometimes and just stand there.  It sure won't be long until he's walking all over the place.  He is looking much more like a little boy and not so much a baby.  

July 26 Owen has grown...weighs 16lbs 8oz.  He isn't as chunky.. he has lengthened out.  He is still as happy as ever and likes to eat.  He enjoys his table food much better than being spoon fed the runny stuff.  He prefers to have us help him walk--he's not much for trying to crawl!!  He pulls himself up in his crib occasionally--he's getting to be a big boy.

June 25  Owen is still very happy.  He loves to be in the johnny jumper and exersaucer.  He loves to hear music and watch Mallory dance.. he is full of giggles.

June 1  Owen also added carrots to his food menu.  It's a good thing that he isn't picky.

May 29 Owen is a blast.  He is always happy, smiling and has a contagious laugh.  Now that he has learned to roll both ways, he is constantly on the move.  Although at night, he will roll onto his back and scream until we go in to roll him back onto his tummy!!  He will hopefully learn how to correct this behavior soon!!  He loves to play with his siblings and likes to interact with the baby in the mirror.  He is eating cereal and fruit, which he loves.  He weighs in at 16lbs 8oz.  He  is scootering forward and is very proud of himself.  He is looking  more like his daddy every day!

April 9  Owen rolled over today!!  He rolled form his belly to his back and now that he can roll BOTH ways, he thinks he's pretty special!!  We can no longer leave him unattended for just  a moment.  He will always need that constant and ever watchful eye.  Oh well, this is just another milestone in the process of growing up!!

March 28  Owen's current weight is 12lbs 15oz and he is 23 1/4  inches long!  Our little one is growing!!

March 26  Owen continues to be our big boy--I think he is pushing 13lbs!  He is eating about 6oz every 6 hours or so.  He is constant smiles and loves to hear any voice, especially mommy's!  He can roll from his back to his belly, and them becomes irate that he can't flip back to his starting position!!  When he belly laughs, anyone around laughs with him.  He really enjoys time in his swing and being held.  He seems to be really laid back and only gets worked up at feeding time. 

February 17  Owen continues to thrive and do well.  He has hit the 10lb mark this week!!  He loves his food and is eating 4.5 to 5oz about every 5-6  hours.  He still is quite laid back, except at feeding time!!  

February 3  Owen has been increasing his feeding to about 4.5oz every 4-5 hours.  You can set your clock by him!!  He certainly loves his food and you can tell that by the way he tips the scales at over 9lbs.  He is just chunky and full of those baby rolls.  He is so cute!  He still sleeps quite a bit, but also is beginning to add more "awake" hours to his day.  He is just a joy to have around.  He's so laid back, nothing seems to bother him!  

January 16  Owen had a hearing appointment yesterday, and he passed his hearing test!  We are very happy for him.  He also had a follow up eye appointment today, and his eyes are progressing very well.  His doctors are pleased with his recovery from his eye surgery.  He is eating very well, up to almost 4 oz a feeding.  He continues to look more and more like his daddy--just a little cutie!

January 13 Owen had many appointments the past couple of days.  He is progressing well with his eyes.  He also was taken off his monitor, so we don't have to haul it around with us anymore, which makes things a lot easier.

January 8 Not much going on with Owen lately.  He had one of 3 appointments today, and he checked out well so far.  He checks in at 7lb 4 oz today.

January 5  Owen is doing well.  He did have to go back to the hospital last week for an overnight visit though.  On his eye exam the doctor determined that his retinas weren't progressing like they needed to be, so they told us that he needed some laser eye surgery to correct it.  The procedure lasted about an hour, and went well.  They kept him overnight for observation as a precaution, and he went home the next day.  Mommy and Daddy got a full nights sleep that night!

December 28  Owen has adjusted very well to being in his new environment.  He sleeps often and is eating about 2 or 2.5 ounces every 3-4 hours.  Sometimes he wakes himself up to eat and other times we must wake him.    He is getting mommy and daddy adjusted to a new schedule of little sleep, which will be ongoing for quite  awhile.  His daily outing is to visit his siblings, who have yet to join him at home.  He is steadily gaining weight and currently tips the scale at 6lbs 10oz.     

December 20  Owen came home today!!   

December 8  Owen is still holding his own.  He has a mild viral infection and is taking some antibiotics.  He also is eating from a bottle and is getting 45ml every  3 hours.  He LOVES his feedings and weighs 5lbs 5oz.  He is very studious and curious  about everything and everyone!  He simply melts your heart with his eyes.   

November 27  Owen has earned his way into a big boy crib!!  He is so much easier to hold now.  He is beginning to eat from a bottle, 36ml every 3 hours.  I fed him for the first time yesterday and it was great, but scary.  He still seems so little, although he weighs 4lbs 6oz.  

November 16  Owen has spent some time under an oxygen tent, (because the cannula was drying out his nose), but is now breathing room air.  He is our eater-he is consuming 30ml every 3 hours and is still our lowest in weight @ 3lbs 12oz.  He has the good fast metabolism!!  If that trends continues, our girls may not like it very much!!   

November 9 When I saw Owen today, I was astonished to see him in clothes and swaddled in a blanket.  He had no IV's or tubing other than his nasal cannula and his feeding tube.  He is looking so big and healthy.  We'll have pictures up very soon.  He is still holding his own and doing great.

November 7 Owen is holding his own and doing quite well.  He is eating 26ml every 3 hours and weighs in at 3lbs even.  He is no longer on his ventilator, but is now on 24 hour nasal cannula and doing great. He is our "star" baby at this point!!

October 28 2006 Weight today is 2lb 8 oz.  He is up to 17ml every 3 hours.  He has had a little bit of a setback with his breathing, he has has a little trouble with his oxygen levels, and the doctors are considering putting him back on a ventilator.  We will wait and see.  David saw him today without his mask and cap on.  He has very dark hair, and no evidence of his dad's widow's peak!

October 25 2006  Owen got to go on a nasal cannula for a couple of hours today.  That means that he only had an oxygen tube below his nose to give him small doses of oxygen.

October 24 2006 Owen is 2 lb 5 oz.  He is now eating 7ml of milk every 3 hours, and tolerating it very well.  He is very feisty, and cries a lot when the nurses bother him to get blood and weigh and change him.

October 22 2006  He is 1 lb 14 oz today.  David got to hold him today for about 45 minutes.  It was an incredible experience.

Owen at 8 days

Kate's first feeding of Owen

David's first feeding of Owen

Owen being baptized

Owen (11/08/06)

Owen (11/13/06)

Owen with Aunt Margie (11/19/06)

Owen (11/22/06)

Owen (11/25/06)

David's first bottle with Owen (11/28/06)

Owen and Nana Janice. (David's mom) (12/01/06)

Kate and Owen (12/02/06)

David and Owen (12/02/06)

Owen (12/02/06)


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This site was last updated 09/25/08