Our Story


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Our Story



We had experienced fertility treatments to conceive our eldest daughter, Mallory, so we were completely aware of all the risks that accompany these procedures.  Mallory was almost one, and we were ready to try for another child.   After our second attempt in April 2006, I was pregnant.   We were so excited to be adding another child to our family, imagine our surprise when we found out that that we were having five.  Our names are Kate and David Brooks, and we found out that we were expecting quintuplets on Wednesday May 10, 2006.  Our lives have been changed forever from that day.

"There's five!"  Those words were so numbing when they were told to us for the first time.  We were in shock when we heard the news.  Looking back, our doctor was also in some shock!  He informed us that we needed to "talk" about all of our options.  Our options were to either terminate the pregnancy, have fetal reduction or carry the  pregnancy.  Terminating the pregnancy was never an option for us.  I didn't feel that I had the right to choose which of our babies to keep and which to terminate.  We had a window of about 3 weeks in which to makeup ours minds.  After the panic had worn off, I felt that God  had much bigger plans for me.  We did decide to see a high risk specialist in town and we discussed the risks of reduction and of carrying a multiple pregnancy.  After some long soul searching and discussions with each other, we decided to carry the pregnancy. 

From the time we decided to keep our babies, our lives have been filled with appointments and sonograms.  All five of our babies are thriving and doing remarkably well.  The pregnancy has progressed well without any complications and I have had no restrictions.  I will be admitted to the hospital at 24 weeks for monitoring and will remain an inpatient until the birth of our children.  We are hoping to make it to at least 30 weeks, which is mid October or sometime after that.  The longer I remain pregnant, the healthier they'll be. 

I can say that the constants in my life have been my faith in God, my incredible husband and daughter that bring joy to my life daily, my family and friends.  I can only say thank you for all of your support and love. Without my constants, I don't believe that I'd have made it this far.

Check out the Updates page for current information about our journey.  

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This site was last updated 10/22/06