

Photos and Videos
Our Story


Here is Ruth Elizabeth.  Ruth was born at 7:51PM Tuesday October 10.  She weighed 2 lb 7 oz at birth.  She was the fourth baby delivered.  She too  is fair haired.

September 25  Ruth had her first dental appointment today.  She wasn't quite sure about all of it, and she wasn't very cooperative.  Unlike her brother Owen, she did not sit in the exam chair quietly.  The dental assistant had to hold her while the dentist examined her.  Her favorite part of the dentist visit was playing with the Magna doodle that they had in the office.

September 17  Ruth is becoming quite the tattletale.  A few days ago David was in the kitchen doing some work, and the fan in the next room suddenly turned off.  Well that means that someone got to the power strip and turned it off.  Before we have a chance to see who the culprit is, Ruth comes running to the gate and says "Helen do it! Helen do it! Helen do it!"  Sure enough we looked around the corner and there sat Helen, with a big grin on her face as proud as anything.

July 12  Ruth is am absolute joy!!  She is the most vocal kiddo and insists that you pay attention to her most of the time.  When she is talking, she will put her hands on your cheeks and turn your head to face her (if you aren't already) and continue chatting until she is finished and you have responded to whatever it was that she said.  She is a very loving and compassionate little girl.  She loves to hug and give kisses to everyone.  We are having difficulty with her wanting things that don't belong to her.  She can throw quite a fit and it's very amusing and LOUD!!  She's a great kid and we enjoy having her around. 

January 18  Ruth still is RSV free.. YEAH!!!

January 12  Ruth so far has escaped the RSV!  Let's hope that she stays that way.

December 17 What can I say about Ruth?  She is definitely her own person and knows what she wants.  She holds these conversations with anyone who'll listen and is very emphatic about she says!  At least she knows what she's saying...!  She has started taking her siblings bottles and then hides behind the chair to drink it, she's a sly one.  She is so full of smiles and laughter.  Her new game is to play peek-a-boo with herself-- it sends her into extreme laughter. 

November 6  Ruth is amazing!  She has a vocabulary of 6 words...hi, bye, mama, dada, uh-oh and up!  She waves all the time and is always happy and full of smiles.  She is turning into a very good natured girl who enjoys being in the middle of all things.  She plays great by herself and also likes to be in groups with her siblings.  Her appetite is mostly  good and she continues to have more teeth--currently, they number 4!  We enjoy her so much, and Mallory tends to like her alot also!

September 22  Ruth is making herself known as the queen of the mountain!  She likes to be involved in everything, whether she is needed or not.  She likes to play with her toys and everyone else's too!  She likes to get into things and then look at you so sweetly and innocent--we will have our hands full when she gets a little older.  She is proud to show you her two bottom teeth and then laughs and smiles all the time.  She keeps us on our toes!  

July 27 Ruth is rolling all over the house!!  Still working on the crawling thing, but is able to get to where she needs to go.  She will get up on her hands and knees and rock--crawling soon?  She is 16lbs even and is full of these great pinchable rolls.  She has the most infectious laugh--she will definitely be our challenge.  Feedings are getting better--she will gladly eat from a spoon and enjoys trying to eat cheerios and crackers--ah, we love the feeding yourself mess the kids make!

June 25  Ruth is busy....always moving around and rolling...pulling her knees up under her body!  Crawling may not be too far away...HELP!  Her favorite activity is taking the toys away from the other kids.. sharing may be a problem...

June 1 Ruth will now eat carrots!  She still won't eat cereal or pears!  Maybe she will just be my little vegetable eater!!

May 29 Ruth is a challenge and we love it!!  She likes to be held wants all of the attention!!  She will squawk and chatter until she gets her way. Sometimes we have a battle of the wills, especially at feeding time.  She doesn't like to eat cereal or fruit form a spoon.  We can maybe get her to take three to four bites, but she spits it out and laughs.  She normally will get distracted and move on to another activity.  She really enjoys looking at herself in the mirror and trys to touch the other baby.   Her smile will light up the room and she likes to play with her siblings.  She looks a lot like her big sister, Mallory.  The two of them have this special bond.  Ruth is getting close to rolling over both ways, but hasn't quite made it  

April 9   Ruth has been uneventful and I will update after her 6 month check up!!

March 28 Ruth is weighing in at 11lbs 6oz and is 22 inches long!  How she's growing so fast!!

March 24  Ruth has been quite busy.  She learned to roll from her belly to her back and loves to hear herself laugh and chatter!!  She is fairly stubborn when it comes to eating!!  She wants to run the show.  She should be eating about 5ounces every 5 hours, but she likes to have frequent smaller meals instead fewer larger ones. We are trying to correct this particular behavior!  She is starting to reach for toys and loves all types of interaction.  What a kid she is!!  I think she might be a challenge when she gets older, but we'll wait and see!!

February 17 Ruth continues to do well.  She eats like a champ, 3 to 4 ounces every 4-5 hours.  She loves to be held, and gets to be held often!!  She is our little "princess."   

February 3  Ruth is doing great.  She is eating 3 to 3.5 ounces every 3-4 hours and really enjoys feeding time.  She also likes to be awake so she doesn't miss anything.  I really want her to  sleep, but she thinks otherwise!!  She is beginning to coo and chatter--she loves to talk!  She is such a happy baby and loves to be paid attention to! 

January 19  Ruth is doing well, eating like a champ and is showing signs of her happy, cheery self.  We are waiting to hear when she will be able to come home.  We miss her here.   

January 16 We have had a setback with Ruth today.  She had to be readmitted to the hospital.  Over the past few days she just hasn't been her bright happy self.  She hasn't been eating well, and has been very cranky.  After Kate took her to the doctor, they agreed that it was in Ruth's best interest to admit her and have some blood tests done.  Hopefully it will be a short visit, and she will be home soon.

January 12  Ruth had her first visit with her pediatrician today, and everything went well.  The only issues we have to watch is her umbilical hernia.  Her doctor thinks that will need to be surgically repaired in the next 6 months, but it is a fairly simple procedure.  She also had a follow up eye test, and she is ok on that too.

January 11  Ruth enjoyed her first night with her parents and siblings!  She likes to eat and have some interaction at all hours of the day and night.    

January 10  Ruth came home tonight! 

January 7  Ruth is now at 7lb even.  The doctors have told us that she will probably be coming home sometime this week.  However, they have told us that before, and something has happened where it has been delayed, so we shall see.  We think she just likes spending time there, and doesn't want to come home.

December 28  Ruth is just hanging out waiting to come home.  She has gotten close, but then she will drop her heart rate, need some help getting it back up, and buys herself another week.  She still grabs your heart and attention with her captivating smile and engaging eyes.  She is eating 60-70ml every 3 hours and weighs 6lbs 7oz.  

December 8 Ruth is now back on room air and doing great!  She is our little social butterfly!  The nurses carry her around and chat with her.  She loves the attention.  She is getting 2 bottles per (12 hour) shift and eats 40ml every 3 hours.  Her infection in her leg is doing much better and she is finally finished with her antibiotics. She weighs 4lbs 12oz 

November 27  Ruth is on nasal cannula and getting closer to being back to room air.  She has graduated from her isolet to a regular crib!!  She is doing great!  She is eating 36ml every 3 hours and weighs in at 4lbs 10oz.  She loves to be held and cuddled.

November 16  Ruth is getting some good 'ol cheeks on her, she is beginning to fill out.  She is guzzling down 9ml every 3 hours and weighs in @ 4lbs 2oz.She is breathing room air and doing great.  She is usually alert and active and loves to suck on her pacifier. 

November 7 Ruth has returned to be with her brothers and sisters.  The infection in her leg is much better and healing well.  She too is on a nasal cannula and doing great!   She has begun feedings again 3ml every 3 hours.  She weighs in at 3lbs 5oz.  She is alert and animated when awake.

October 28 2006  Ruth has had a tough go of it the past couple of days.  She developed an infection earlier in the week, and it go so bad that the doctors had her transferred to another hospital for surgery to treat an infection in her leg.  Her leg is all bundled up now, and it looks like she was in a skiing accident.  She is doing well though.  She isn't feeding on milk now, but she is getting the nutrients she needs.  Her weight today is 2lb 9oz.

October 24 2006 Ruth is at 2lb 9 oz today.  She has been fighting an infection for the past couple of days, but she seems to be doing well.  Kate held her today.  She didn't get to hold her too long though because Ruth decided that she didn't want to breathe too well and was scaring her mother by stopping breathing every once in a while, so the nurses put her back in bed.  But she is doing fine.  (and so is mom!)

Ruth at 1 day

Ruth at 6 days

Ruth getting a bath (7 days)

Ruth at 19 days

Ruth (11/08/06)

Ruth being baptized

Ruth (11/10/06)

Ruth (11/11/06)

Ruth (11/19/06)

Grandmas watching Ruth get a bath (11/19/06)

Ruth getting a bath (11/28/06)

Ruth with getting her first bottle (11/28/06)

Ruth (12/02/06)

Ruth (12/02/06)


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This site was last updated 09/25/08