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Here is Jesse William.  He was born at 7:49PM Tuesday October 10.  He weighed 2 lb 8.5 oz at birth.  He was the third baby delivered.  He is fair haired and we think he looks a lot like our daughter Mallory.

September 17 Jesse had his first dental appointment today, and he did very well.  All of his teeth are great, he has 16 of his 20 teeth.  He has a small chip on one of his front ones, but the dentist said it is no big deal.

He is also very close to crawling out of his crib.  He gets his leg over the edge, and just smiles.  Before long he will be out of it.  then it won't be long and Owen will see him do that and think "Cool, I should do that too."  We are trying to decide whether to go to toddler beds, or just go to twin beds.  We are leaning towards twin, with drawers underneath them for storage, but we can't afford them yet.  Hopefully soon.

July 12  Jesse is quite a boy!  He is very happy and still loves to cuddle.  His favorite activity is reading books.. lots and lots of books.  We sometimes read the same books over and over again!!  Oh, when he likes a book, that what we read!!  I think that he might be somewhat athletic.. he loves balls of all kinds and is happiest when he's throwing them across the room or playing "catch" with one or more of his siblings!  His smile will still melt you heart and he thinks that it will keep him out of trouble when he is misbehaving.. he is learning that that just isn't true!!  He loves being outside.. just the freedom of being able to run around in a bigger area.  He likes to swing and climb and runs around saying "kick" when he sees a ball.

January 13  Jesse came home today!!  He is feeling better, but still coughs a lot and needs his nose suctioned out.  He is on his way to healthy!

January 7  Jesse was admitted to the hospital today with RSV! 

November 18 Well, Jesse is getting to be a lot of fun.  He is entertaining himself for longer periods of time and loves to play with his siblings.  He has a smile and laugh that is very contagious.  He likes to play pat-a-cake and peek-a-boo!  He also like to clap for himself for no apparent reason.  His favorite activity is to throw the balls around the room.  The kid has a good arm!  He still isn't doing a lot of talking or babbling, but he'll get there!  

September 21 Jesse is still leading the pack when it comes to teething, he now has 4 on top and 2 on the bottom!  He looks so grown up.  He likes to socialize, but can also entertain himself for moderate periods of time.   He is our heaviest kiddo, weighing around the 18lb mark, he enjoys eating and doing so by himself! He has mastered bottle holding, which makes feedings that much easier!  He's a blast and we're enjoying him tons. 

July 26 Jesse, what great strides you've got your second tooth, are working on your third and you have begun doing the "army" crawl.  He also is pulling himself up in his crib and trying to pull up on everything else and everybody!!  He definitely is the leader of the pack!  He weighs 16lbs 8oz and enjoys beginning to feed himself table foods and will hold his bottle (if it's not too full)!     

June 25 Congratulations on cutting your first tooth.  Jesse is a very mobile roller...he's always on the go.. his rolling really makes diaper changing tons of fun!  He has a great appetite and likes to eat.  He is a pretty happy boy. 

June 1 Jesse is cranky again--his teeth are really bothering him!!  I sure hope they break through--fast!  He hasn't gotten carrots yet, but I think he'll like them.

May 29 Jesse is such a happy boy!  He still hasn't gotten those teeth, but he sure is happier.  He is always studying the situation and taking things in.  He likes to stand up and play in his exersaucer.  He enjoys playing on the floor with his siblings and trying to roll from his his back to his belly.  He's close, but hasn't mastered it yet.  He likes to eat his cereal and fruit from a spoon and likes to "help out" by using his fingers!!  He's such a great helper.  He is our little comforter.. he likes to hold hands and give lots of kisses.

April 9  Jesse is still working on getting those bottom teeth.  I sure hope they come quickly--"I want my happy boy back!"

March 28 Jesse weighs in today at 11lbs 8oz and is 23 inches long!!

March 26 Jesse has had a few firsts this past month.  He was the first to roll over (from back to belly) and the first to begin teething!!  He seems to be happiest right when he wakes up from nighttime or a nap.  He loves to talk and carry conversations with whomever he can.  He enjoy his tummy time has started to reach for toys.  He loves to be held or have your undivided attention!  He is still our kiddo that spits up the most, but is eating 5 to 5.5oz every 4-5 hours.  He is gaining weight and is about 12lbs.  He is such a good kid and a great joy.

February 17 Jesse is handling home fairly well.  He is adjusting to a new environment and we are adjusting to him.  We adore having him home an he is an absolute joy.  He tends to be a little fussy and particular in his eating and sleeping habits.  We simply need to get to know him.  He is weighing in at 9lbs 6oz and is just a cutie.

February 6 Jesse came home today!!

February 3  Jesse has been transferred to another hospital to be with his sisters and for evaluation of his eating.  The evaluation went well and he is now eating like a champ--70ml (just over 1 ounce) every 4 hours from a bottle.  He just needed some time to figure out how to eat!!  He still is having trouble with reflux and is on some pain medications for this.  We are waiting to see how these are going to work.  He is just about 9lbs and is starting to have those adorable rolls of fat!!  He is getting closer to coming home and we are awaiting to hear when that will be.   

January 19  Jesse is cresting the 8lbs mark.  Although he is eating mostly through his ng tube, we are still trying to get him to take bottles on a regular basis.  The doctors seem to think that his reluctance to suck might be related to development--that he just isn't ready!  I hope that nothing more serious is going on.  We are still waiting to see how the pain medications will work.  Hopefully, things will just click and he'll be eating well in no time!!    

January 16 Jesse continues to have his ups and downs with his bottle feeding.  He will do well for a while, and then act like he is in a lot of pain when eating.  The doctors think that he just has a severe case of reflux.  They have him on some pain medication to help and hopefully that will allow him to eat well. 

January 13 Jesse is taking bottles very well.  He took three in a row at one point, which is great for him.  He is up to 7lb 4 oz.

January 8  Jesse passed his video swallow test today.  This means that he is cleared again to eat through a bottle.  They will start that up again tomorrow and see how he does.  His weight today is 7lb 2 oz.

January 5  Jesse is also having an eventful week.  He has been having a bad time with his reflux (GERD)  and had a 24 hour pH study to check the acid in his stomach.  We are still awaiting those results.  He will also have a video swallow test done on Monday, the 8th.  They just want to see how he swallows and if there are any issues.  

December 28  Jesse has had his bottle feedings suspended because his heart rate is too fast for feedings.  He is irritated with this decision, because he loves to suck on things and gets tired of his pacifier.  He is still on nasal cannula and doing well.  He has been quite moody lately and is happiest when he is being cuddled by mommy or daddy.  He would rather not be bothered for diaper changes, vitals or anything else.  He is eating like a champ -- taking 50ml every 3 hours and weighs 6lbs 7oz.  He is such a cutie!!

December 8 Jesse has graduated to a big boy crib and also to full time nasal cannula!!  He is being primed for bottle feedings and should start his feedings on Monday......he will be eating 42ml every 3 hours.  He will probably only get 1 bottle every (12 hour) shift to start and gradually get more depending on how he does.  He weighs 5lb 2oz.  He seems to be our sensitive little boy and he loves to be held and cuddle!!

November 27  Jesse is now on nasal cannula for 9 hours each shift and spends the other 3 hours on his C-PAP  (that he absolutely despises).  He will hopefully be on cannula full-time in the near future.  He is really holding his own and doing great!  He has finally joined his siblings and weighs 4lbs 1.5oz.  He's eating 35ml every 3 hours.  He really enjoys his pacifier, as it is soothing to him! 

November 16 Jesse decided that he no longer wanted his breathing tube, so he pulled it out.  He is now trying out CPAP for awhile and hopefully he can handle the change.  He handled the C-PAP very well as he graduated to nasal cannula tonight.  He is now eating 32ml every 3 hours and is 3lbs 14oz.

November 7 Jesse is slowly recovering from his PDA surgery that he had Nov 1.  He is back to eating small amounts, 1ml every 6 hours and is tolerating this well.  He is rather puffy, due to fluid retention and weighs in at a whopping 3lb 14oz. 

October 28 2006  Jesse is still fighting his infection.  He is at 3lb 3oz.  His PDA also has opened back up, so the doctors are thinking that surgery will be necessary early next week.   It is the same surgery that his sister Helen had.  The doctors are holding off on his milk feeding until after the surgery.

October 24 2006 Jesse is 2 lb 15 oz today.  He is restless today, our nurses told us that he is fighting an infection, and they put him on antibiotics.  They are running some cultures, and should know more in about 48 hours.  He is up to eating 3 ml of milk a day now.  He did have a transfusion today, but that isn't unusual for premature babies.

Jesse at 13 days

Jesse at 13 days

Jesse being baptized

Jesse (11/08/2006)

Jesse (11/21/06)

Jesse (11/21/06)

Mom and Jesse (11/25/06)

Jesse (11/28/06)


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This site was last updated 09/25/08